Some Methods of Cultivating Top Students

 1. Understanding top students

For the cultivation of top students, we must first change some misunderstandings in our understanding: First, we think that top students are natural treasures, which are beyond our reach and cannot be cultivated by acquired efforts; second, we think that top students are very smart and do not need teachers to cultivate them, or in other words, cultivation will not play a big role; third, we think that teachers cannot cultivate top students, and if they do, it will affect the healthy growth of top students, so it is better not to cultivate them. In this way, we have entered the wrong concept of "top students are born" from the first step. How can we cultivate real top students? So how to change the current situation, let's start with the growth factors and characteristics of top students. The growth of top students is the result of the action of comprehensive factors, which requires us to discover them early and take advantage of the situation, provide a relaxed growth environment and atmosphere, cultivate their broad interests and hobbies, and cultivate their spirit of progress and challenge. The characteristics of excellent students: have a strong motivation for achievement, a conscious learning consciousness, a diligent learning attitude, a tenacious spirit of research, agile thinking ability, a cheerful and sunny mentality, and healthy interests and hobbies. In terms of learning, they are well-balanced in all subjects and have a special specialty subject. They have good habits of previewing, self-study, homework and reflection. They have strong research spirit, discussion attitude, self-confidence, stress resistance, memory, attention, logical reasoning, critical thinking, expression and imagination. After understanding these characteristics, let us analyze how to become a top student. They are not always so smart, but they are better at learning.

II. Methods and paths for cultivating top students

(I) Cultivating students' thinking habits and abilities
The biggest disadvantage of tutoring is that it cannot cultivate children's ability to learn independently, resulting in excessive dependence on teachers. They cannot read books. Although they can understand the lessons, they cannot apply the knowledge in a comprehensive way when doing exercises, cannot summarize by themselves, and have poor ability to find and solve problems. The ability to apply the knowledge in a comprehensive way is very important in the third year of high school, which may be an important reason for the gap between students. -- said a parent of a top student.
Our teachers unconsciously make students lose the ability to think:
(1) Excessive explanation. The teacher thinks for the students, which reduces the students' thinking ability. It cultivates students' dependence and "laziness" in thinking. This causes students to have a reduced ability to solve problems. When they encounter test questions, they will naturally search for examples or "models" that the teacher has taught. Their way of thinking is to recall, not analyze.
(2) The "three diseases" of teaching. Quick-talking: eager to correct students' problems and not allowing them to think; impatience: rushing to meet deadlines and not allowing them to make mistakes; and stubbornness: teaching according to one's own ideas, experience and habits. However, our students prefer these two types of classes. One is when the teacher is familiar with the content, gives interesting and lively lectures, and is good at connecting with real life. Students will like the class because of the teacher's personal characteristics; the other is when the teacher is good at raising challenging questions and organizing students to engage in debate. After "tiring their brains", students will feel a sense of sudden enlightenment after a little inspiration, and they will like the class because of this.
In order to change the current teaching situation, it is recommended that teachers use the following methods:

(1) "Blank" teaching method. Do not interrupt students' speech or thinking at any time; do not judge or deny them from a superior position; do not rush to correct students' errors in knowledge or thinking, but only point out but not guide; let students face difficulties and confusions in the process of reading, thinking and exploring; let them correct themselves in the process of discussion and debate, and improve themselves in the process of self-correction.
(2) "Three talks and three no talks" teaching method. For concepts and rules, "discuss first and then talk, no discussion no talk"; for typical exercises, "do first and then talk, no doing no talk"; for after-class exercises, "mark first and then talk, no marking no talk".

How to cultivate top students? As middle school teachers, we should have a concept and a belief to focus on the cultivation of abilities. For example, self-study ability, the ability to acquire knowledge independently, the ability to cooperate with others, the ability to manage their own study time, and the ability to fully express academic opinions are all particularly important for high school students. Therefore, we should do everything possible to provide students with space for independent learning, space for active thinking, space for carrying out activities and space for full expression.

(II) Cultivate students' habit and ability of summarizing and generalizing
First, students must summarize by themselves and try their best to explain and extend from their own perspective, rather than simply listing the knowledge in the book. The process of summarizing by themselves is the process of gradually forming experience. Secondly, we must pay attention to "output". Deep learning is one of the most important means to improve grades and acquire abilities, and the most important way of deep learning is to focus on the integration of new and old knowledge and transform it into one's own knowledge. Finally, we must summarize regularly. Summarization is not just done once, but it should be repeated frequently. This is a very important part of review.

Actively adopt the "three firsts, three afters, and two summaries" learning method. "Three firsts and three afters" means: pre-study first and then class; think first and then answer; practice first and then summarize; "two summaries" means: use the weekend every week to sort out the content learned in the week; make a written summary after each unit is learned, so as to make the whole class, class, and section clear.

3. Effective "deliberate training" for top students
"Deliberate training" refers to exercises that are deliberately designed to improve performance. It requires a person to leave his or her own proficiency and comfort zone and constantly practice and improve according to the method. A common phenomenon in teaching: teachers think they have taught, explained, and done to students, but students still cannot do it, do it incorrectly, or do it well. Why? The key is to master it. The real mastery is to understand, do the questions, do it correctly, and do it well. Psychologists have found that the key factor that determines the great level and the average level is neither talent nor experience, but the degree of "deliberate training". We always believe that top masters are "trained".
(I) How to conduct effective deliberate training
The three elements of effective deliberate training: challenge yourself (get out of your comfort zone), deliberately design the content of the exercise (highly targeted), and practice repeatedly according to the method (intensity + duration).
Five steps to effective deliberate training: Step 1, observe and imitate "verbal teaching" and "demonstration" - teachers explain, interpret, and demonstrate; Step 2, decompose the practice. The key to effective progress is to find a series of small tasks with increasing difficulty for trainees to complete in sequence and repeat the training. These small tasks must be what the trainees do not know how to do, but have the ability to master through learning. It is convenient for students to understand skills and knowledge; effectively reduce the difficulty of learning - simple and replicable. Step 3, complete trial; Step 4, feedback and correction. Practice without feedback is equivalent to no practice; to a certain extent, deliberate practice is error-correcting practice. Practice must be corrected, and correction must be made. Timely feedback after the exam - the training in class has a good effect. Step 5, deliberate special practice and meaningful repetition. The biggest difference between practice and actual combat is the degree of repetitive training of special abilities. In actual combat, we use all our abilities to complete a task. Deliberate practice often focuses on training a few abilities over a period of time. However, pure actual combat cannot actually improve a person's ability continuously.
(II) "One-to-one" tutoring

1. Establish personal files for top students.
We have established personal tracking and management files for each student, recording their learning, life, family, psychology, personality characteristics, and each test score. We have mastered their learning situation, psychological changes, and changes in grades, and have provided timely encouragement to fully mobilize their enthusiasm for learning. In particular, we have analyzed and archived each test, and organized top students to analyze their successes and shortcomings, summarize experiences and lessons, adjust their learning methods, and actively engage in learning.

2. We have regular "consultations" with teachers
(parents) of various subjects for top students to exchange information; we have comprehensively analyzed students' strengths and weaknesses (psychology, thoughts, etc.); we have formulated a strategy of "strong subjects become stronger, weak subjects are not weaker"; and we have adjusted the learning rhythm and strategy of various subjects in a timely manner.

3. We have paid close attention to details and found "points for increasing scores"
. We have focused on daily work, details, and accumulation. We have strengthened the awareness of "getting one more point, getting more answers to one question", and have started by getting one more point. We have compared and analyzed the test papers of previous tests and dug deep into the reasons behind the problems. We have conducted a multi-angle analysis of the answers of top students to their problems. The "5-10 points" that you should not lose are the ones you have the most hope of getting, so it is necessary to find them out.

4. Ways to cultivate top students:

keep top students in a fierce competitive environment for a long time, let top students have "night grass" to eat, and send top students to "training camps".
5. Be a teacher who loves students. Students love teachers
from "liking subject teachers" to "liking the subject taught by teachers"; emotional relationships and emotional experiences will affect the effect of cognitive processes; democracy, equality, harmony and harmony can greatly mobilize learning enthusiasm. Love is the highest realm of education. Love is teaching quality!
The growth of top students requires teachers to pay great efforts, wisdom and sweat. But in the final analysis, as long as we inspire "learning", effectively "practice" and pay "love", I believe we can cultivate more and better top talents.

Fourth, how to promote the growth of students from Tsinghua and Peking University.
Every year, the special enrollment of various categories affects many teachers and students involved. Some are happy about it, while others are frustrated. The strong foundation plans of 36 double first-class universities have been introduced one after another, which has attracted special attention. As the starting grade, we must also plan in advance, make precise arrangements, act after careful consideration, seize the initiative, and take the initiative.
At present, the special enrollment of Tsinghua and Peking University alone includes: recommendation, independent enrollment, leading plan, liberal arts plan, poverty special plan, subject camps, comprehensive camps, summer classes, summer camps in summer vacation, liberal arts camps, winter camps in winter vacation, autumn camps in autumn, as well as students with special talents in art and sports, high-level athletes, high-level art troupes, art appreciation (fine arts), pilot classes, targeted students/national defense students, minor languages, as well as the prerequisite courses in recent years and the strong foundation plan newly added this year, etc., are all channels to enter Tsinghua and Peking University. You see, Tsinghua and Peking University have also taken great pains to provide you with many enrollment channels. Don't you want to rush and fight? The same is true for the other 36 double first-class universities. They also have their own special admission policies, which are special channels for entering famous universities in addition to the college entrance examination scores, and are also shortcuts for candidates to enter double first-class universities.
In particular, the Strong Foundation Plan of 36 double first-class universities is a hot spot for many special admissions and the main promotion channel for ordinary non-competitive students. The conditions for the Strong Foundation Plan admission here are: according to the college entrance examination scores of 3:1, or 6:1, the quota is selected to enter the school test, where the ratio of college entrance examination scores to school test scores is 85%:15%, and the weighted total score ranking is converted into admission. There are two key issues here. One is that the school test scores are in the top ranks. The second is that the college entrance examination scores must be around 660 points or above (referring to Tsinghua and Peking University). Both scores must be excellent to stand out from the crowd. These two issues actually include the implementation of two aspects. The first aspect is that the school test scores must be ensured by long-term academic performance accumulation and the implementation of high-end training plans by teachers. The second aspect depends on the implementation of the strategies and tactics of the middle school training plan and the improvement of students' active performance. In short, it is the implementation of the planned training and cultivation programs for top students from Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the long-term accumulation of students' personal initiative learning.
(I) The first aspect. That is, the implementation of the school's long-term top training plan. It is roughly as follows:
1. Training scope: All students in the Olympic class.
2. Training method: The two classes are carried out separately, and the training plan and content are integrated into the regular classroom. The method is mainly concentrated learning in the classroom, teacher lectures, and training tutoring, supplemented by extracurricular offline student self-study. The school conducts a coordinated test (such as competitions, half-monthly tests, monthly tests, etc.) for evaluation. For students with good learning effects and outstanding grades, the school will give priority to recommending them to colleges and universities for inspection. For students who are late, leave early, miss classes, are not serious, fail to complete learning tasks, and have poor grades, the school will not recommend them, and may even revoke their learning qualifications and order them to withdraw from the Olympic class.

3. Training materials: Xuewei online live video, supporting materials and exercises, and self-purchased similar materials as auxiliary and supplementary.
4. Training time: First, the daily classroom and self-study class time every week; second, the afternoon and evening of the big week on Sunday when returning to school; third, the Sunday evening of the small week; fourth, the winter and summer vacations are coordinated to arrange special learning. The time range is one and a half years, with about 120 hours of mathematics and physics each. A training cycle ends on May 1st of each year, completing the student training plan, and welcoming the screening and registration work for the summer special enrollment of Tsinghua University and Peking University. The weekly training time, content and location shall be reported to the director of the two departments by the head coach in advance to facilitate the school inspection and guidance.
5. Training coach: The teacher in charge is the head coach, and the head coach responsibility system is implemented. The mathematics and physics teachers of Class 0 are the head coaches and are responsible for the formulation and implementation of the teaching plan, as well as the proposition of the test and evaluation. The head coach should participate in the learning and listening of the training process, and be responsible for the follow-up of the training content, content editing guidance, content supplementary teaching, exercise explanation and question answering, etc. At the same time, screen recording is performed for each class to ensure that the students in the late third year of high school review, self-study and keep all the materials for archiving in the future to prevent the video from being used for viewing after a certain period of time. The teachers of each class should prepare a notebook to write down the time, place, content, supplementary content and implementation of teaching plan for the centralized learning, so as to facilitate the follow-up of the supervision and inspection of the two departments.
6. Training supervision: The directors of the two departments are responsible for ensuring the efficient promotion of the training plan within the department, supervising irregular behaviors, reminding the implementation of the plan, and urging the improvement of the repair plan.
The source of top students in this year is good and the foundation is strong, so the number of admissions to famous universities such as Tsinghua and Peking University in the two departments is our important college entrance examination goal, especially the number of Tsinghua and Peking University goals should exceed the best years in history. The two departments will divide the task in half, which is one of our goals for the college entrance examination this year. Therefore, in the next stage, please ask the two departments to formulate implementation details around the completion of this goal. This is the method of "methodology". In the previous article, I said that this is just like we have to cross a fast-flowing river. Crossing the river is the purpose, finding a good boat or bridge is the method, and the specific actions of the head coach are execution and implementation. Only in this way can we achieve the goal of this top student plan.
This plan will be implemented from now on. Classes will start on Sunday night. On Saturday, the two departments will send me their recent math and physics class schedules and locations. At the same time, the head coaches of the two departments will complete the formulation of the top student training plan for the entire year as early as possible next week and send it to me. The directors of the two departments should pay attention to overall guidance, strict control, and supervision and implementation.
(II) The second aspect. That is, the strategic and tactical implementation of the school's usual training plan.
a. Implement the teaching progress of top students
1. The required textbooks are basically completed in the first year of high school. At the end of April, the training plans for strengthening the foundation, Olympic Games and top students will be launched for a period of one year. Mathematics and physics will be launched first, followed by biology and chemistry and liberal arts elite classes.
2. In the second year of high school, the electives, university preparatory courses, top training and Olympic Games first test training plans will be completed, and the training courses will be completed before May 1st. It is convenient to participate in the Tsinghua and Peking University computer test, summer camp selection and high-end training in related subjects during the summer vacation, and encourage top students to participate in various competitions.

3. The second year of high school will enter the third year of high school review at the latest on May 1st, and at the same time, the top top students in the third year of high school will be launched.
4. Complete the competition exam in September.
5. The latest progress of the subject in December of the senior year of high school is to complete the first round of review and enter the second round of review and preparation for the exam.
b. Create a competitive atmosphere for top students

1. Independent learning competition. Set up a self-study plan, improve the self-study ability of top students, and prepare for the progress of pre-study competition.

2. Competition system. Inter-school and inter-provincial joint examination leagues, aim at the top competitors of advanced schools, bite the bullet and never let go, keep an eye on the goal and never relax, fight a protracted war, surpass opponents and surpass yourself. The analysis and discussion of various reports of grades, classes and subjects should be accurate to people and specific questions.

3. Semi-monthly and monthly test set questions competition. Based on the leading position in the college entrance examination, special admissions are the icing on the cake. Hold a good class seminar and make it a booster for students' growth.
4. Standardized question answering competition. Participate in standardized activities such as standardized writing, standardized subject language, standardized question review, standardized drawing, standardized answering, etc. in various subjects, without losing points or less points, and winning fewer mistakes or zero mistakes.
5. Olympic League joint examination, independent test paper league.
6. Psychological training and anti-frustration training for top students. Maintain strong self-confidence and optimism, maintain good study habits and living habits, maintain excellent self-repair ability and personal character.
7. Give full play to the subjective initiative of top students in learning. Develop the habit of previewing and self-study first, learn to think and ask questions, and master the essence of mutual learning with study partners. Especially for more difficult lectures, you can use flipped classrooms, switch the roles of teachers and students, let students talk and discuss, and make it a normal practice, give full play to the role of mutual help in excellent groups, share wisdom, help the weak and grow together. The head teacher and the subject teacher should have active actions and subjective initiative to display their talents in the operation of the excellent group.
8. One-to-one assistance, precise training. Top students should pay attention to all aspects of precision guidance, including personal thoughts, emotional psychology, personality mentality, academic changes, habit formation, homework review, comments and evaluation, and precise assistance for weak subjects.
9. Stimulate students' awareness of elite schools. Guide students to see farther, enjoy the future of this world, and become the elites and pillars of the country only by standing on the shoulders of giants, and create an elite student mentality that is not ashamed to associate with bad habits, so as to inspire students to establish lofty ideals, set high aspirations, and urge students to actively tap their own potential and maintain a high and strong motivation for learning.
10. Give play to the competition mechanism of survival of the fittest. As time goes by, the scope of training top students will gradually narrow and eventually remain in a relatively stable group of objects. In the process of training implementation, it is necessary to give each top student a clear college entrance examination goal, strengthen the seedling awareness of famous schools such as Tsinghua and Peking University, set a basic total score goal for them, and refine it to each subject, and even the score positioning of each question type. Tailor-made specific training plans for each top student, one file for each person, and establish various defect and deficiency files for top students, focusing on recording students' mistakes in class, homework, and test papers, and formulating corresponding error correction plans, and determining the implementation of follow-up teacher plans and measures. Give full play to the habit of checking for omissions and filling in the gaps, take the principle of taking test papers (variation questions) training as the entry point, wrong questions as clues, test points as the core, and diagnosing weaknesses as the real purpose, and then carry out subsequent special thematic training and thematic breakthroughs to achieve the purpose of consolidating the foundation, improving ability, and strengthening self-confidence.
(III) Requirements for head teachers

1. Improve ideological position. Establish responsibility, be responsible, and recognize the dangerous situation of the school.

2. Optimize dedication to work. Establish a sense of training in famous schools, be good at learning the concept, skills and methods of training, and master the "methods" and the concept of training to solve problems. The teaching plan is detailed and appropriate, easy to operate, detailed and high-quality, and the teaching method is in line with the students' learning and cognitive laws.

3. Overcome laziness and mediocrity. Prepare lessons well, teach well, and carefully prepare and participate in every training activity. Do not be late or leave early, do not leave your post, do not let it go, manage and educate students in place, and ensure the quality of training and training.

4. Narrow the mesh teaching. Refine the knowledge points, increase the supplement of training and training content exercises, and carry out training activities with training as the main line. By narrowing the gaps, we can find out the gaps and learn the training and cultivation content comprehensively.

5. Publicize the training progress. Under the supervision of leaders, teachers and students, the weekly and monthly training plans will be posted in the classroom and grade office, indicating the time, place and content, and included in the usual class management and workload.
Regarding the specific classes, specific subjects, specific time, specific content and implementation details of the two departments, please ask the relevant teachers of the two departments to formulate them in detail in combination with the further guidance of the grade director.